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Look it up. The animals or the trees affected getting diseased and dying. Hell I still cant believe most of this. A new source for morg fibers was found in an old paper wick inside our humidifier. Trees: our life savers are dying Bloodline Elite Using Man Made Disasters As Weapons Of Mass Destruction To Destroy America Weather Warfare: Beware the US Militarys Experiments with Climatic Warfare CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED) Heathrow Bound Pilots Made Dizzy By Unexplained Smell. We also have more holes in the ozone layer caused by HAARP ionizing the upper atmosphere. Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. Knowing now whats in the chemtrails makes me cringe when I see them spraying. Emissions include carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons such as methane, sulfates (SOx), and soot and metal particles. Skin photos: (6500 ft elev.) Too little or too much water can lead to late summer leaf loss. Negative traits are amplified and many law enforcement personnel who enjoy domination over others will worsen, and they are likely to become more brutal. No one single reason just a lot of bullshit ones made to keep us indebted to the sociopaths. Hapless populations sprayed continually with these substances are bound to exhibit symptoms of neurological damage and chronic illness. One plausible explanation of how the flat ribbon like fibers seem to grow even on glass is that these synthetic model organisms can assemble plastic components from the air, water or wherever present and use dc current as part of their assembly technique, or they are feeding off the silicone in the glass or both. These unfortunate victims usually present with the following symptoms: Read Next: One Man Tricked The Chemtrails Conspiracy Crowd! Endangered least Bell's vireo use screwbean mesquite for nesting. I returned from Idaho and decided to continue my research, which has only gotten more bizarre, if thats possible. Ive been actively photographing the aerosol spraying above the White mountains. Chemtrails suspect once again. 1-400,000. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Bengel,1735 Thomas Pyle,1729 Th. If they look like chemicals, they probably are, are you worried yet?? I have discovered more verifiable completed nano tech things in spider webs than anywhere else. Its effects on human health were recently illustrated when Canadians in Espanola, Ontario, reported mass illness after low-flying U.S. jets strafed their town with condensation trails containing aluminum coated fibers (chaff). We must put a stop to this chemical poisoning. I have seen evidence of this replicating technology myself in spider webs, (on skin and in hair also) finding clear silicone nanotubes mimicking plant structures and other things but at a much smaller scale. The skin photos clearly show a metallic sheen has built up in our skins, along with faint red splotches. NY: DAILY CHEMTRAILS Feb and March 2015 photographed and shared all over; PEOPLE WANT THIS TO STOP! Archives for posts with tag: trees dying. So dead grasses, dandelions, plants, weakened trees, beetles move in. How many pigs (one of the most acute smell sensory animals) would eat GM corn when given a choice? Everyone one of us and every living thing is living now in a state of sanctioned, deliberate, heavy metal intoxication / poisoning of differing degrees and stages, as inside air and outside air are different, as these positively charged metal particles are drawn to the ground first. I regret now having discovered all this, as I was much happier (though concerned/confused about all my neurological observations above) not knowing all this stuff, as it has completely disrupted my life, but its my hope that maybe a cure will be found (by accident maybe) by perhaps someone who gets this. Does a tree that falls in the forest make a noise. To understand what our future holds and for other ideas on this its highly recommended that all the morgellons interviews on are listened to backwards (14-7 will give the best overview). I made a wood frame 1313 in and took ultra clear packing tape and covered it completely stretching it across the opening. There also may be even more nefarious reasons. Read The Deliberate Dumbing Down of AmericaNow a free E-Book. It was about the size of 1/20 pin head and like the Fred things was surrounded with the tan coloring stuff of Fred. Spend a few hours proving anything youve been told to believe. His Climatology Know-How < /a > Larger white spots on this one, like the type of plant than one! Developed By, Why Less Than 1% Of Obese Individuals Will Reach Normal Weight, Study Links GMOs to over 22 Different Diseases, Exposure to Toxic Perfluorinated Compounds in Womb Linked to Low Birth Weight & Future Obesity, 5 Important Vitamin Combinations for Optimum Health, EWG Report: Your Tap Water is Contaminated with Toxic Forever Chemicals, Is Non-Toxic Nail Polish Really Non-Toxic? I placed videos about this 5+ years ago on You Tube, SOD Sudden Oak Death, Phytophthora ramorum has now entered global food supplies as Phytophthora infestans, it killed 1/6th of the world back in 1850s. Another article providing no physical evidence brought to you by this web site. Problem reaction solution, and no doubt this is not the only problem this is causing.. This is nothing less than state sanctioned / sponsored terrorism / mass homicide!!!!! FYI 'Adya Clarity' 3 to 5 tbsp in a bath pulls toxins and heavy metals out through one's skin. Because if I have to read one more stupid post from some gullible mouthbreather believing in chemtrails, Im going to punch a puppy. Two beams overlapped will couple into a particle-ion beam that will bounce off of a remote target and send a holographic image back to the satellite for remote spying operations. If you have received this, Im sorry and may God bless you. It's not what naturally would be here at all, fire should rage through every 3-4 years and keep down all the red cedar oak and hickory, favoring native fire-resistant pine. Geoengineering Initiatives have been called . Those of us who work outside will bear the brunt of this first, and those who work with or around transmitters will show advanced symptoms. This year 2007 maybe 200 to 300 bees came to feed. Second, vehicles are much better/advanced these days so your competition has a huge advantage over your stock tank, it's as if you are always up-tiered grinding stock vehicles for hours to get them to a point where they work. I have read that chemtrails actually cause global warming by preventing radient surface heat to dissipate back in to space. Since I have lived here we have a large willow tree about 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide. This is not candy floss, this is seriously so wrong, EVERYONE needs to shake a tree, shake a cage and starting asking questions.As you will see in the video, i mention what people power can do, now ask yourself, \"ARE YOU GOING TO SIT BACK, WATCH THINGS BE DESTROYED, INCLUDING YOUR OWN HEALTH?? Well if you bother to open the door to mas basement and go outside you might notice that the trees-all of them are looking poor! Sign Into Brighteon.Social. US patent 3813875 asshole. we should have mobilized quickly to stop it. Overall, it produces less severe health effects unless it is extremely heavy. The IRS is not a U.S. Agency It is IMF property. For the next month everyone in the office, store clerks, etc. How could a supposed operation of this proportion go on for decades and nobody pop out of the woodwork with indisputable proof that it is happening?? It is hard for the government to fool knowledgeable people about their spraying of chemtrails that is why they rely so heavily on people who believes their lies and see the chemtrails as contrails but if we ever get the majority of people to wake up the government wouldn't be able to continue to lie about the chemtrails or anything else. While the military bombs populated areas with microscopic pollution particles, the Environmental Protection Agency warns of health dangers from breathing such particles. Trees are of immense importance, they are a symbol of our living planet. The Last Disaster, Galactic Center Discoveries, Sky Spray | S0 News Jun.3.2020 Suspicious0bservers, California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering., Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project, Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earths Surface: Human and Environmental Health Implications., No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101 [Chemtrails Exposed], 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. take a guess. I have to admit, though, were not always perfect. TRUTH LIVES on at This system can control the weather or create disasters. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties. Contrail, also called condensation trail or vapour trail, streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear cold humid air. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air. We need to stop the spraying now if we want to save our planet! Praesidus brings homage to the military watch tradition. Looking at my blood I cant help but wonder if that was really the true or rare cause. That the chemicals removed by me, found in our air / blood, water and urine is providing an enriched environment for the accelerated growth of these synthetic model organisms. My hopes for the future destroyed and the realization that everyone from here to Idaho has been infected with this heinous man made creation (type morgellons into you tube) has become a reality. The bottom line is; why should we all be guinea pigs for chemical companies, and/or the US government for our food, our drinking water, and the air we breath? What do you think happens when you stick a .5 watt microwave cell phone next to your 70% water 30% cholesterol brain with about 2-4% of some type of exotic metal flowing through it, micro-sparks would be a good guess. So, if we can help it, well either fly above or below the con levels (assuming other mission planning factors arent applicable) to minimize where the enemy sees us. Revelations From A Man Who Helped Design Morgellons Disease, Morgellons Syndrome And What You Can Do About It. Seriously there is no such thing as chemtrails. The chemtrail conspiracy relies on a poor understanding of science. Do you know what the military does to chemtrail whistleblowers in the US? Since the skin constantly sheds from the inside outward, and the skin completely regenerates itself every seven years, my guess is that it took about ten years to surface as photographed. there are literally millions of credible sources available. The purest form of science is observation and after hundreds of hours of observations I can say without hesitation: Houston we have a problem !!. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle. This would explain the DNA of insects and plants that have been isolated in infected humans. It is a wonderful act of mercy to comfort the dying and mourn with those relatives left behind. Dumping fuel at just 5000 feet results in the fuel evaporating before it ever gets close to the ground. Only 4,and they are among the only group of 12 kids who got all their vaccinations (read educate before you vaccinate). Yeah Right What ever. It is Nine months later more glue stick stranding has been seen. This chemical is increasing body and environmental electrical capacities, providing the dc current for these synthetic organisms to self-assemble. You may have also noticed that they seem to stay up there for hours. correspond with the installation of all the microwave antennae on this mountain!!! Good. Its imperative that you reproduce any of these observations, should you care or dare to see how bad the air really is, but few if any seem to give a shit about anything anymore, another neurological observation of real real concern. Your email address will not be published. Geoengineering, often referred to as Chemtrails, exists as a global nuisance for the primary purposes of causing severe bodily injury and premature death with malice aforethought. The picture above is of the apple tree in our back yard. Your email address will not be published. Built by. Spoofer sprays. Climate engineers want to start using the terms 'Albedo-enhancement' and 'Cloud reflectivity enhancement' instead of Geoengineering because people are waking up to the meaning of that term. 7, How many eating some common puffed breakfast cereals and water? (6500 ft elev.) Which by the way, has been hard to observe chem-trails because of heavy unusual cloud cover (with little rain-here anyway). It took about 3 mo. (Except the Viper. Spider webs have the same effect. Trees can be easily stressed. Some people must accept the thing they can not change or stand at the edge screaming like a blithering idiots asleep or wide awake. I think years of contrails, and the more recent years of chemtrails has caused this reaction, and our trees are dying from it. There was huge amounts of ALUMINUM found in the bark. (We have not yet heard whether this uniquely candid official has been boiled in oil). Do you really think thats an effective means of dispersing something? Have you ever wondered what thats all about? Aluminum, barium and strontium have been found in these aerosols. And Nothing About It Was Pagan! 407 John Chrysostom,c. Its about 6-8 mo old and has not been used since the summer. 2023 The SOFREP Media Group. I ask on the home page when you last took a good look at the sky and the substances in it. At 6:00 am on the way to work there were not one but three major accidents on the main road. The highly reliable Wikipedia defines Chemtrails as long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft that are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the general public. Congressman Louis T. McFadden 10 June 1932. I set up another testing station 300 miles away which yielded the same results. Make no mistake, the elites probably have the cure. I offer my observations with the assurance of duplicability. Just like automobile traffic, cities are the source of a lot of aircraft traffic as well. The technical names for vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. PEOPLE are UNWILLING VICTIMS and our wildlife and natural world should not be seen as collateral damage! By doing All species of trees are being affected. Yes, the leaves get a dark spot in them, the trees look starved for water. water or flooding them through weather control, and by way of carbon sequestratiion. The US gov attempted to block disclosure of this information by using the Patriot Act. What does that mean? It would appear man has out-smarted himself, or this is the wrath we deserve for our apathy, or this is the start of the promised 80% population reduction recommended in U.N. documents with a twist. He thought about it for a while and, looking puzzled, said, "No." I noticed balls of glue stick that would appear, and removed them only to find them again in the same spot. In avideoof chemtrail criss-crossed skies in New England, you can see almost blanket coverage over what was once a ceruleanatmosphereabove us. Also the lower level cloud structures which appear now for the most part disassemble now far more frequently than two years ago. because I love all Gods creatures and understand its my duty to defend them at my own expense, not because its what God commands, because its the right thing to do!!!! Chemtrails? Chemtrails are different than contrails. Ive not been able to verify this story since. Im contemplating soil sample analysis due to an inordinate number of trees dying on my property. The temperature falls by aprox. A new and quite disturbing observation / possibility about our current situation is as follows: According to testimony given by those infected, a hive mentality has been observed by those afflicted. The combination of fungal growth and insect infestation has killed untold numbers of trees in California. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it excludes and displaces the background magnetic field. 3 degrees Fahrenheit every 1000 feet above sea level. She said her small town back east was experiencing this memory dysfunction after heavy spraying, and she apologized for having to read notes she had made for the program, as she too was having short term memory problems. At 50,000 feet where most planes travel the temperature can be -50 Celsius. Up until 2015, dandelions were just a fact of life and part of the dues you pay for having a lawn to mow. All of the latest health news that actually matters. They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. The US Corporate government seeks to roll over its payments past the deadline. At Shelter and Food For Everyone we have the solutions however the powers that are in control have paid TRILLIONS & planned this? Anthracnose tends to not be a huge issue for ash trees. I think years of contrails, and the more recent years of chemtrails has caused this reaction, and our trees are dying from it. All of them (its now in over 8,000 foods, click DORway for further info. It remains possible that we may all be incapable to respond to any threat, though thats no excuse. SHOCK CLAIM: Chemtrails 'will wipe out humans' causing biblical-style floods, says expert THEY'RE reportedly responsible for killing bees off in their billions and now it's been claimed. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N. HAARPs can create earthquakes and can also x-ray the earth to find underground military bases, gold, or oil reserves. This has been witnessed by many people in many areas." "Poisons have been and are used widely, as pesticides. Thefoliage of our treesis looking sick and damaged all over the US. Contrails of normal jet exhaust , simply water vapor and carbon dioxide, dissipate very rapidly a short ways behind the plane. It looks like solar burning or freezing, but it is actually chemtrail damage. Reproduction of this work is encouraged, for non-profit, educational purposes only. To sin by silence makes cowards of all men. We Need Your Help to Stop It and Protect our Rights! What are they ultimately trying to do up there is create charged-particle, plasma beam weapons. My first reaction was to flee the area, but that was economically impossible, and decided to continue studying the problem. After the dust settles there won't be much left to be concerned with. The Aspens also are being attacked by bugs, mites, and they have a disease or two, can't think of the names off hand, That crap from the chemtrails is every where. Tonight I was Googling for an explanation. A covert op can be invented and planned from the get-go; or players, seeing an event unfold, can jump onboard in mid-stream, take control, and use the event to launch an operation. They??? Whether you call it stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering, weather modification, or chemtrails, the poison that is raining down on our soil, air, and water is killing our trees. taken in August 2015. The fact is that high altitudes the humidity remains semi constant at a very low relative humidity. You can look this up for yourself or any other statements I make here. All a part of the eugenics program and the fascist empire. I took a drop of miracle grow (metals from the air), let it dry, and put a drop of chlorella on it. 10-16 at least. SKYWATCH TV - Christmas Was Jewish. Starlings fall from the sky without explanation: "The sky was raining starlings. Taken together with the aurora keyhole through-your-roof satellite surveillance system, Echelon electronic computer/phone sweeps, plasma-cloaked DOD Drug War helicopters and stealths, implants, and cameras on the street, it constitutes one, big global and space control grid. Moist, humid weather allows the fungus to thrive and turns leaves a blotchy brown. This is why normal contrails disappear after a few seconds, the condensation created by the hot engine in a cold environment dissipates quickly, it is absorbed by the low humidity environment. The lack of sun due to aerosols blocking it, also causes dampness-loving molds to flourish. 1-164 (soon projected at 1-94) go to their gallery for many more photos of chemtrails and Morgellons specimens. 236 Hippolytus of Rome,c. Chemtrails-the dying of the trees- Rosalind Peterson pt.1, Chemtrails-the dying of the trees-Allan Buckman Pt.2, Death and Destruction of Trees and Plants, The Torrey Pine Tree Die off: Why the official story isn't right and what's really killing them, Some of Washington's biggest trees are dying and scientists don't know why. Toxic Weedkiller Dicamba Drift Damages Crops Across America. It remains an idea that this thing may only be defeated with resonant frequencies, tuned to destroy the Quorum sensing capacity of this technology, rife technology. I just took photos of the trees in Nottingham UK 15-aug 2017 all diseased and dying, it seems like the city council are going to tun a blind eye. The military bombs populated areas with microscopic pollution particles, the leaves get a dark in! Been used since the summer not one but three major accidents on the home page when you last a. Breathing such particles however the powers that are in control have paid TRILLIONS & planned this can... The ground economically impossible, and removed them only to find them again the... And Morgellons specimens you by this web site mouthbreather believing in chemtrails, Im going punch!, refractory and optical properties same spot: read Next: one Man Tricked the chemtrails Conspiracy Crowd the tree... Things in spider webs than anywhere else, the trees look starved for.! 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