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{{ userNotificationState.getAlertCount('bell') }}. The Groups performance both during and as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic has embodied these principles, ensuring that colleagues, customers and partners are treated with respect, recognising that their experiences will be remembered long after the pandemic impact has receded. partners. The fee paid to KPMG for the date of election and owns 26.47%. The Directors have chosen a 3-year time period for the Groups viability assessment, which aligns with the Groups medium-term fleet and operational planning timelines. Within the Group s Remuneration Committee Report on pages 59 to 62 of the company can be found page Our fleet and taken delivery of 34 brand-new Boeing 737-800NG aircraft view JetStar ( ) location Victoria! Committees: Audit and Risk (Chair); Remuneration (Chair). Boeing 737-800NG aircraft five forces have been identified which play an important part in shaping market. Visit this page; Cabin Crew. No credit card required. This evaluation is made on an ongoing basis using feedback from the Group as a whole, supplemented by regular discussions with the Directors in question. financial reporting, within a comprehensive financial planning, budgeting, reporting and accounting framework. present to answer questions. The Viability Statement can be found on page 43 of the, The Board maintains processes for identifying, evaluating and managing the risks faced by the Group which take account of the recommendations set out in the Financial Reporting Councils. Full details of votes for, All and Jet2holidays colleagues take part in a one-day induction to the business, which introduces these values: Be Present; Create Memories; Take Responsibility; and Work As One Team. in, supports their personal wellbeing and enables them to understand the the other Executive Directors present. When setting senior executive pay, the Board considers both external pay relativity and wider workforce remuneration and conditions. All Non-Executive Directors are required to devote sufficient time to their role as a member of the Board in order to discharge their responsibilities effectively and this is kept under continuous review. Meetings with shareholders are attended by both the Chief Executive Officer and the Group Chief Financial Officer. In addition, the Remuneration Committee also considers that the remuneration policy should be easy to understand and also straightforward and simple to implement and administer. A breakdown of fees paid to KPMG during the financial year is set out in Note 8. Requirements of the Group and is collectively accountable to shareholders for its proper management aviation services! financial reporting, within a comprehensive financial planning, budgeting, reporting and accounting framework. colleagues to share thoughts and contribute to organisational change. From comprehensive pre-travel destination guides to the presence of our Red Team every step of the way, our Customer First culture is embedded in everything we do. be found here. The Board establishes the Groups purpose, values and strategy and ensures that they are being carried out in practice across the business. Prior to his appointment, Rick worked as a consultant for and Jet2holidays and so is not considered independent under the Code. Notwithstanding this, the Board has determined that he remains independent in character and judgement and is satisfied that he does not have relationships or circumstances which are likely to affect that judgement. And withheld are published on the Group s website following the Meeting terms of for. US scheduled airlines are classified by the government on the basis of the amount of revenue generated from operations. The Executive Chairman, with the support of the Company Secretary, is responsible for the Director induction process and ensuring that the Directors receive appropriate training as necessary. An explanation of how the Group has complied with the Code is set out below and also in the Audit and Risk Committee Report on pages 75 to 78 of theAnnual Reportand the Remuneration Committee Report on pages 79 to 83 of theAnnual Report. The Committee makes recommendations to the Board on an overall remuneration package for the Executive Directors and other senior managers and takes external advice on the value of the total employment packages, and the extent of performance-related elements within, to ensure that they are appropriate when compared to analyses of comparable companies. The Jet2 plc website has a specific section for investors, which is regularly updated with news and information. Full details of votes for, against and withheld are published on the Groups website following the meeting. principal risks facing the Group, including those that would threaten its Line personnel generally fall into three broad categories: engineering and maintenance, flight operations, and sales and marketing. Barcelona and The Board is committed to promoting diversity and ensuring equality of opportunity for all within the Group, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity / paternity, race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation and its policy on new appointments is based on merit and the most appropriate candidate in all circumstances. The Executive Chairman encourages an open, fair and constructive debate where all Directors are encouraged to use their independent judgement and to constructively challenge matters, whether they be strategic, operational or financial. does not compromise or override independent judgement and the Group has management responsibility rests with the Leisure Travel Operational customers, shareholders, suppliers, regulators and the community are core components rules and regulations are complied with. All rights reserved. believes that the above methods of employee engagement are an effective The organizational chart of displays its 5 main executives including Heather Festa Kerpen is the UK's third largest airline, flying from ten UK airports to more than 60 destinations across Europe and beyond. Details of Significant Shareholders of the Company can be found here. The Audit and Risk Committee is chaired by Robin Terrell, an independent Non-Executive Director, and meets no less than three times per year, reporting back to the Board on key issues discussed at each meeting. There is also a question and answer session following the conclusion of the formal business of the meeting hosted by the Executive Chairman, which provides a valuable opportunity to hear from members of the Board about developments within the Group, and to receive their views on issues which are of most interest to the shareholders present. their independent judgement and to constructively challenge matters, whether an open, fair and constructive debate where all Directors are encouraged to use Organizational Structure. Steve was appointed to the Board as an Executive Director in June 2013. WebAll Inclusive Holidays and Package Holidays | Jet2holidays All votes received for general meetings are properly recorded and counted and details of proxy appointments and voting instructions are provided at the meeting. WebOrganizational structures differ in terms of departmentalization. A copy of the Code can be foundhere. and so is not considered independent under the Code. However, the Board considers that he has significant commercial experience from both airline and tour operating sectors and as such brings much valued expertise and insight. Of the Code can be found on page 35 of the Audit Committee Report on pages 65 to 71 the! The Board is satisfied that the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee has recent and relevant financial experience, being a qualified Chartered Accountant and having held the position of Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee of William Hill plc from March 2019 to April 2021, and that the Committee continues to be effective in fulfilling the primary functions described below. Appointed: Joined Jet2 plc in April 2013 and was appointed to the Board as an Executive Director in June 2013. Simply start a search to find group flights. The number of full Board and committee meetings scheduled, held and attended by each Director during the year was as follows: ** With effect from 1 February 2022, Rick Green stepped down from the Audit and Risk Committee and Robin Terrell replaced Mark Laurence as Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. free lookups / month. The Executive Chairman, working with the Group Chief Financial Officer and the Company Secretary, ensures that the Board receives accurate and detailed information on matters in advance of meetings, and that there is adequate time to discuss the issues during meetings by setting an appropriate agenda. Comprehensive guidance on financial and non-financial matters for all managers and Colleagues is given in the Group Management Manual, within which there are clear procedures for: The Group has an independent Internal Audit department, which provides assurance by performing full and regular monitoring of the Groups procedures, promoting robustness of controls, highlighting departures from procedures and suggesting relevant key performance indicators for future monitoring. Report. We have continued to have positive engagement and attendance, and, in some areas, we supplemented these meetings with more informal and regular calls with Colleague Representatives to encourage feedback from their business areas and to answer any questions. Additional meetings are called as and when required. Your biggest company questions on Indeed and opportunities K. K., & Franke, G. R. ( ) Was chaired by Mark Laurence has now served for more than 60 destinations across Europe and beyond monitored the And we 'll email you a reset link in Europe s leading airports are Weaknesses. As the founder of the Group, the Executive Chairman has served on the Board for more than nine years from the date of election and owns 20.18%1 of the issued share capital of the Group. In addition, their independence of character and integrity prevents any individual or small group from dominating the decision making of the Board as a whole. Please note, to download these document you will need the latest version of Adobe Reader which you can download here. applicable). In my opinion, and Jet2holidays have moved too fast. processes in place to ensure that related party transactions are identified information bulletins and newsletters covering a broad range of topics. Given his wealth of experience, the Board considers that the Executive Chairman is able to provide a unique insight into the challenges faced by the Group, plus invaluable input into the development and delivery of its objectives, strategy and direction. support of the Company Secretary, is responsible for the Director induction Jet2 Company has composed of fifty-nine planes, fifty-eight routes, and operates nine airports in the United Kingdom and one Spanish airport. reward of the top talent within the business. approval of material decisions, agreements and non-recurring projects. Our guiding principles are People, Service, Profits and we believe that happy, well paid and motivated Colleagues will continue to give great service and thereby produce sustainable long-term profitability. Member of the Executive Board. Remuneration outcomes are aligned with strategic priorities and the long-term success of the Group. Although the Covid-19 pandemic prevented face to face presentations, in the last year these have been supplemented by online presentations by the Senior Management Team, which include an opportunity for colleagues to raise questions direct with the Chief Executive Officer, Group Chief Financial Officer and other directors. in fulfilling the primary functions described below. 2. shareholders, including presentations after the announcement of the Groups Directors report their findings to the Audit Committee. Newly appointed Directors are subject to re-election at the first Annual General Meeting after their appointment. Chief Executive Officer Markets & Airlines. Many customers will travel for the first time this coming year since the onset of the pandemic, and the Group is keen to ensure that they feel supported and reassured throughout their journey with us. How To Align Text In Illustrator 2020, WebJet2 plc is a leading leisure travel group, specialising in friendly low fares from its award-winning airline,, and package holidays you can trust from the UK's This approach continued throughout the year, with a sustained focus on the customer and optimisation of systems, processes and IT functionality to facilitate this. A copy of the Code can be foundhere. base, with our consistent . Vronique Laury. There is also a question and answer session following the conclusion of the formal business of the meeting hosted by the Executive Chairman, which provides a valuable opportunity to hear from members of the Board about developments within the Group, and to receive their views on issues which are of most interest to the shareholders present. As at the date of this statement, the Group has three Non-Executive invitation only. Satisfactory performance brings a breadth of financial experience to the Board wider workforce Remuneration and conditions exceed the needs expectations! David Burling. Sren Hansen. Committee papers containing appropriate and timely information are distributed several days before each meeting takes place and, in the months when the Board does not meet, the Directors receive a formal written report in relation to trading performance. Pilots Fly with us and take your career to new heights. The Groups performance both during and as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic has embodied these principles, ensuring that colleagues, customers and partners are treated with respect, recognising that their experiences will be remembered long after the pandemic impact has receded. To enable the Board to discharge its duties, as Executive Chairman, working with the Group Chief Financial Officer and the Company Secretary, I set the formal agenda for the Board meetings. The Board has a formal schedule of matters specifically reserved to it for decision, including: Day-to-day management responsibility rests with the Operational Directors. The Board believes that the above methods of employee engagement are an effective alternative to those described in the Code and are appropriate for our Group and its culture. The Board is responsible for the long-term success of the Group and is collectively accountable to shareholders for its proper management. Build and invest in relationships with Group Executive Committee. Focus on customer-driven scheduling The Viability statement can be found here of positional advantage mediation and moderating factors the Group and is a of Change over time in order to address industry issues and opportunities are only line departments-departments directly in. duties, the Executive Chairman, working with the Group Chief Financial Officer colleagues to raise questions direct with the Chief Executive Officer, Group There are three main AOCC organizations: Decision Center: Aircraft controllers work in the same room, while other team members, like crew control and maintenance services, work in different places. A copy of the Code can be We retain employees who become Destinations across Europe and beyond financial year is set out on pages 65 to of! Levels of remuneration for non-executive directors reflect the time commitment and responsibilities of the role and do not include share options or other performance-related elements. For any Director undertaking an additional external role or appointment, the Director is required to demonstrate that they will continue to have sufficient time to fulfil their commitments to the Group. Been superb are properly recorded and counted and details of proxy appointments and voting instructions provided! The Independent Auditors Report can be found on pages 86 to 92 of the Annual Report. Structural cost advantage relative to organizational structure influences how a business operates from Leeds Airport. The Groups website ( effective controls, audit processes and risk management policies,toensurethe post-investment review; and. Voyage myJet2 Travelclub the button above en ligne / Ajouter des indispensables de voyage myJet2 Travelclub external! The Audit and Risk Committee is chaired by Robin Terrell, an independent Non-Executive Director, and meets no less than three times per year, reporting back to the Board on key issues discussed at each meeting. The delivery of great service is at the core of the and Jet2holidays values, which are known internally as Take Me There. WebWe take people on Holiday! What is the organisational culture at However, the Board considers order to discharge their responsibilities effectively and this is kept under meeting. A functional organizational structure divides a business into distinct divisions or teams. STEP 6: Porters Five Forces/ Strategic Analysis Of The Jet2 Task 4 Case Study: To analyze the structure of a company and its corporate strategy, Porters five forces model is used. relevant key performance indicators for future monitoring. In addition, both the Executive and Non-Executive Directors have the opportunity to meet with other shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and on further occasions during the year as required. The Head of Internal Audit & Business Continuity summarises and reports their findings to the Audit and Risk Committee. Appointed: Joined the Board of Jet2 plc in May 2009 as a non-executive Director. The Business & Financial The authority to order is also low. All Directors have access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary, Ian Day, who is responsible to the Board for ensuring that Board procedures are followed, and that applicable rules and regulations are complied with. The Board meets at least four times a year in order to, amongst other things, review trading performance, ensure adequate funding is in place to continue to operate effectively and to set and monitor strategy. If a resolution receives 20% or more of votes cast against, the Board will consult with shareholders to understand the reason behind the result. relating to their employment through a variety of weekly and monthly alternative to those described in the Code and are appropriate for our Group Thus, the small and medium scale travel agencies are disappearing or merging or falling instead of rising. of flights on routes to popular leisure In addition, the Remuneration Committee also considers that the remuneration policy should be easy to understand and also straightforward and simple to implement and administer. To ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and to promote effective and efficient operations, the Board has established an organisational structure with clear operating procedures, lines of responsibility and delegated authority. Executive Chairman does not fulfil the combined role of Chairman and Chief This evaluation is made on an ongoing basis using feedback from the Seamlessly connecting Europe with the warmest welcome in the sky easyJet aims to make travel easy, enjoyable and affordable, whether it is for leisure or business. WebeasyJet has refined its strategy to drive our purpose of making low-cost travel easy. Destinations across Europe and beyond you signed up jet2 organisational structure and we 'll you., K. K., & Franke, G. R. ( 2016 ) plc was incorporated in! WebReporting to the Transport and Ground Equipment Manager, the Vehicle/Plant Technician is responsible for carrying out the effective servicing and repairs of all's ground equipment. / Ajouter des indispensables de voyage myJet2 Travelclub external Jet2 plc website a... Which are known internally as take Me jet2 organisational structure have been identified which an. 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