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Petroleum exploitation has fallen in recent decades but is still a significant contributor to the economy. Schoor Avenue, Bellville, Cape What Are The Specific Water Sources The Lions Exploit. 2). The main aquifer in this basin is formed of unconsolidated Pliocene (Tertiary)-Quaternary sands, which form an upper and a lower aquifer, separated by a clay layer. It is located in rural area. Working to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and nature. Whiskers indicate the range between 10% and 90% percentiles. Required fields are marked *. The source of the river is in the mountainous highlands of East African rift before it eventually drains into the Atlantic Ocean. Dr Kirsty Upton and Brighid Dochartaigh, British Geological Survey, UK, Dr Imogen Bellwood-Howard, Institute of Development Studies, UK. e55182. 1 More information on irrigation water use and requirement statistics. The largest is Lake Chad, of which 800 km2 (Little Chad phase) to 1 800 km2 (Normal Chad phase) are Cameroon territory, or 840% of the lake area, depending on the floods (Welcomme, 1979). Frequency of use (in both kills and faeces) and selection index of kudu in the early dry season highlight the importance of this species to lion female diet. 2006. Buffalo emerged as the primary prey species for lions in Hwange (for both males and females) with a high contribution to lion diet throughout the year, and a strong selection by lions in all seasons. 2009; Sigha-Nkamdjou et al. Cameroon has a dense network of perennial rivers. The rural population largely relies on groundwater for water supply, through springs, hand dug wells, and boreholes equipped with hand pumps (Ako Ako et al. We assessed lion diet by combining carcass observations and faeces collection from GPS clusters, a method with recognized strengths [3], [4]. Schedule a phone or Zoom call with one of our safari planners, Complete our travel enquiry form to connect with a safari planner. The main rivers in the south of the country are the Ntem, Nyong, Sanaga, and Wouri, which flow southwestward or westward into the Gulf of Guinea. cameroon water resources for lions. Some seasonal patterns were suggested for secondary prey, however. We investigated whether there is a seasonal shift of prey preference (use vs. availability) suggestive of different foraging strategies in different seasons. Seasonal surface-water dynamics thus, influences the probability which predators can find prey and is likely to have several consequences for the ecology of predator-prey interactions. The access rate to fresh water is still low and far from the millennium's goal target (43,9%); the rate of water sanitation and hygiene is worse (36%). The rural population largely relies on groundwater for water supply, through springs, hand dug wells, and boreholes equipped with hand pumps (Ako Ako et al. In more rural areas, people walk great distances just to reach rivers. The Lake Chad basin contains three main geological units: a upper Quaternary-Lower Pliocene series; the Tertiary Continental Terminal; and the lower Cretaceous series of the Hamadien Continental and the Continental Intercalaire (GWP 2013). For males, buffalo was followed by the class medium Bovidae (11%) - class dominated by sable and wildebeest for kill data -, elephant (9%) and zebra (8%), together accounting for 84% of the prey detected (Table 1). Cameroon's national parks are vast and the dedicated wildlife authorities and staff on the ground oftentimes lack adequate financial support and resources to carry out effective management. Groundwater quality is generally good. It has spectacular spear-like horns that even lion treat with respect. More information on average rainfall and temperature for each of the climate zones in Cameroon can be seen at the Cameroon climate page. Some groundwater in deeper aquifers contains low oxygen and corresponding high iron and even hydrogen sulphate gas (Mafany and Fandong 2006). In 51% of the faeces found at kill sites, one of the detected prey species was the same as the consumed species at that kill site (see also [4]). Across-ecosystems, comparisons of large mammalian carnivore diet have now provided a good understanding of the preferred prey weight range of several carnivore species [6][8], but local studies are still needed to unravel the role of environmental factors and prey availability. Mzima springs. It was not possible to quantify biomass rigorously from faecal samples, as prey age and sex were not discernible from hair remains. Cubs have brownish spots that fade by 3 months but may persist, on there belly as an adult. Hairs from more than one prey species were found in 81% of the collected faecal samples. The pools go by a variety of names: prairie potholes, whale wallows, hog wallows, sinks, and kettles. For more information on the map see the, Sedimentary - Intergranular & Fracture Flow, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License,, irrigation water use and requirement statistics, Groundwater in North and West Africa: Cameroon, Download a GIS shapefile of the Cameroon geology and hydrogeology map, Water Resources Management and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Cameroon, Groundwater quality in Cameroon and its vulnerability to pollution, Climate, Hydrology and Water Resources in Cameroon, Water supply, sanitation and health risks in Douala 5 municipality, Cameroon, Groundwater Need Assessment - Lake Chad Basin, Effect of diffuse recharge and wastewater on groundwater contamination in Douala, Cameroon, Constructing a 3D geological model from geophysical data for groundwater modelling and management in the Kribi-Campo sedimentary sub-basin, Cameroon, In Hwange, previous findings have shown that lion home range size was influenced by buffalo density in the late dry season ([40]). Pronounced correctly, with a harsh and rolling g, the word sounds nothing like the perfect angles and subtle patterns this lovely antelope displays. Sightings of Lion in the Hluhluwe Umfolozi vary according to various factors. The distance between 215 lion kills and the nearest water source was analyzed using generalized linear models. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. We then converted the frequency of occurrence into biomass estimates using the average adult male and female mass (from [1], [34]). We assessed seasonal prey preference using Jacobs selection index [35]: Where r is the proportion of the total number of kills or faecal samples of a particular species and p is the proportional availability of the prey species killed. Average distance-to-water revealed that lions typically kill between 1 and 4 km from a waterhole, with elephant and giraffe being the species killed most often the closest to a waterhole, and kudu and small antelopes killed the furthest away (Fig. Further water and related statistics can be accessed at the Aquastat Main Database. Female diet composition in the early dry season was significantly different from the other seasons (2early dry-late dry=19.06, df=7, p=0.008; 2early dry-wet=20.34, df=7, p=0.005; 2late dry-wet=14.07, df=7, p=0.05). The Logone flows northward into the Lake Chad basin, which Cameroon shares with three neighbouring countries. Where does the Cameroon River get its water? 2015) of groundwater. Lion kills were located in a preferentially selected zone around artificial waterholes, suggesting that these scarce resources form passive traps for ungulate prey. In northeast Cameroon, the Lake Chad basin aquifer is shared with neighbouring countries. Sub-adult and juvenile masses were approximated by multiplying adult female mass by 0.7 and 0.3 respectively [1]. This corresponds to periods when elephant herds are forced to travel long distances between water and forage and young elephants become weak and more vulnerable allowing lions to take advantage of their situation. In terms of quantity, it is the second potential in. Lions get their water like most other savanna mammals, relying on watering holes and temporary pools to hydrate. Sanou, S M, Temgoua, E, Guetiya, W R, Arienzo, A, Losito, F, Fokam, J, Onohiol, J F, Djeunang, B, Zambou, N F, Russo, G, Antonini, G, Pan, A and Colizzi, V. 2015. Thus the importance of buffalo as prey is despite dry season variations when nutrition and water deprivation weaken susceptible individuals (young and old). "Some years back some boreholes were rehabilitated by either the local council or the community. Equatorial conditions in the south create no flood peaks per season (i.e., Lobe and Nyong). The river has been exploited by local communities for transport, fish, and water for irrigation. When more than one prey species is available, predators are able to shift prey selection depending on relative prey availability [21]. For more information on the datasets used to develop the map see the, Major surface water features of Cameroon. The combined thickness of laterite and weathered basement is usually between 8 and 20 m (Mafany and Fantong 2006). It provides fresh water for an entire community. feeding locations) of African lions in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, a semi-arid African savanna structured by artificial waterholes. Tsavo Parks and Chyulu Hills Complex - Unesco. Further north, flows are continuous all year round, with only one peak flood (i.e., Sanaga and Wouri). Rural population with access to safe drinking water (%), Urban population with access to safe drinking water (%), Population affected by water related disease, Total internal renewable water resources (cubic metres/inhabitant/year), Total exploitable water resources (Million cubic metres/year), Freshwater withdrawal as% of total renewable water resources, Total renewable groundwater (Million cubic metres/year), Exploitable: Regular renewable groundwater (Million cubic metres/year), Groundwater produced internally (Million cubic metres/year), Fresh groundwater withdrawal (primary and secondary) (Million cubic metres/year), Groundwater: entering the country (total) (Million cubic metres/year), Groundwater: leaving the country to other countries (total) (Million cubic metres/year, Industrial water withdrawal (all water sources) (Million cubic metres/year), Municipal water withdrawal (all water sources) (Million cubic metres/year), Agricultural water withdrawal (all water sources) (Million cubic metres/year), Irrigation water withdrawal (all water sources), Irrigation water requirement (all water sources), Cultivated land (arable and permanent crops) (ha), Area equipped for irrigation by groundwater (ha), Area equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwater (ha). These, and others, may also be available through the Africa Groundwater Literature Archive, Ako Ako A, Eyong GET and Nkeng GE. Performed the experiments: ZD JEH FVK. A number of agreements and cooperative activities exist between these countries (e.g Alker 2008). The Dja and Kad drain southeastward into the Congo River. We arbitrarily assigned the average adult female weight, with the exception of elephant as predominantly juveniles are preyed upon in dry periods [19], for each sample to allow a crude comparison with kill data. PLoS ONE 8(2): The sex and age classes of the prey found were recorded when possible and age class was determined using lower jawbone tooth wear against known age collections held by the wildlife authority. Boxes show medians, 25% and 75% quartiles. Marion Valeix, Affiliation: Groundwater in the deeper Cretaceous sandstone aquifer is dominated by K/Na-HCO3 types, and typically of good quality. 1). Metamorphic crystalline basement - Precambrian, Crystalline rocks cover most of Cameroon, sometimes covered with alluvium and other unconsolidated deposits, and laterite. A complex of granites, micaschists and migmatites. We systematically searched for potential lion kill sites by identifying clusters of x:y location coordinates including 4 hours of sequential locations within a defined proximity (150 m), and these were then investigated on foot (see also [4], [24]). spesification Botswana is a water stress country which has fresh water resources between 1000-1700m 3 per person per year [1] [2] [3]. Most women and many children walked 10-15km every day just to retrieve unclean, contaminated water from sources also used by cattle and wildlife for drinking and bathing. The coastal plain and southern plateau are dominated by equatorial rainforest. AMCOW. Values>0 indicate preference, values<0 suggest use but avoidance. The upland areas have a mild climate with high rainfall. Laboratoire de Biomtrie et Biologie Evolutive, CNRS UMR 5558, Universit Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, Bt Gregor Mendel, Villeurbanne, France, Affiliation: Where is Cameroon in the World? It was not until the recent century where the conditions of lions in captivity have improved. In Douala, studies have shown nitrate pollution (Wirmvem et al. All necessary permits were obtained for the described field study from the appropriate agency (Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, 23(1) (c) (ii) 01/20052007). 62% of elephants were taken in 2005, which was a drought year (rainfall: 330 mm), concurring with increasing relative contribution of elephant to lion kills in the late dry season and peak contribution in the wet season (due to many kills in November before the first rains). Trees, grasses and bushes were heavy with raindrops and the bushveld was resonant with the noise of water dripping, flowing and surging. These are smaller sedimentary basins. A BGR project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) investigated groundwater quality related to health in Yaound and produced a number of reports. Quantifying predator diets is an essential step to understand not only predator ecology, but also the influence that predators have on their prey populations [1], [2]. The river is fed by two major tributaries (Pende River and Ouham-Pende) and drains into Chari River. (A) Mean distance to a waterhole for kills for the different prey species. As such, the regular need to access drinking water constrains the movement of herbivores, and hence their distribution in the dry season [9][12]. Overlap is water shared by both the surface water and groundwater systems: Cameroon is a fascinating country with incredible biodiversity and natural riches. Cameroon has a dense network of perennial rivers. spesification The Ministry of Water Resources and Energy / Ministere De Leau Et De Lenergie (MINEE) has responsibility for water supply and sanitation in both rural areas and towns through the Directorate of Directorate of Water (DE: Direction de lEau). If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. They rely on some of the Kalahari's plants that have also adapted to the dry conditions and either store water or have mechanisms to prevent excess water loss. There are a series of parallel faults running northeast/southwest, with displacements that can reach 1000 m, and associated with large volcanic massifs of various ages and compositions. Where does the Cameroon River get its water? _____ _____ abiotic factor environmental conditions biotic factor. The main rivers in the south of the country are the Ntem, Nyong, Sanaga, and Wouri, which flow southwestward or westward into the Gulf of Guinea. 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