Raised on a steady diet of The West Wing and classic film, they are now a cosplayer who will fight you over issues of inclusion in media while also writing coffee shop AU fanfic for their favorite rare pairs. Bill and Richie end up staying in the hotbox long enough to realize that It is an evil force that's sucking the lifeblood out of the town. | DeadTalks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFVriK9eiw4\u0026list=PLL3r8G2ymJ03bdL3l1oSB9NkyEcmZnhepMore Horror History Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL3r8G2ymJ00ua9NYcQurqmULc5nq7zb2 Bill and Georgie Denbrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YJvTfPRXo8\u0026list=PLL3r8G2ymJ00ua9NYcQurqmULc5nq7zb2 Stan Uris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeLOg0FuGfQ\u0026list=PLL3r8G2ymJ00ua9NYcQurqmULc5nq7zb2 Richie Tozier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuYNQ974L1k\u0026list=PLL3r8G2ymJ00ua9NYcQurqmULc5nq7zb2 Henry Bowers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubOrfMJqTIs\u0026list=PLL3r8G2ymJ00ua9NYcQurqmULc5nq7zb2Music CZsWorld Intro - OST Maker ( 2018 CZsWorld) Creepy Guitar Loop - SFX Valley ( 2019; Used With Permission) Dark Lullaby - Envato Elements - ( 2019; Used With Permission) Dreaded Things Approach - TeknoAXE (CC BY 3.0) Gothic Horror - Purple Planet Music ( 2019; Used With Permission) Creepy Hollow - Purple Planet Music ( 2019; Used With Permission) Possession - Purple Planet Music ( 2019; Used With Permission) Space Journey - Purple Planet Music ( 2019; Used With Permission) House on a Hil - Purple Planet Music ( 2019; Used With Permission) Sewer - Natureworld1986 (CC BY 3.0) Space Soundscape 2 - Argitoth (CC BY 4.0) Temporal Desolation - Darren Curtis (CC BY 3.0) Terminal 2 - Natureworld1986 (CC BY 3.0) Subscribe: https://goo.gl/DT39UP CZsWorld Merch Store: https://goo.gl/UyP76XCZsWorld is a horror film channel by writer-director Zac Morris. In the book, however, there's a lot more to it. As a result, this speaks to many in the LGBTQ community who have dealt with their sexuality as a topic of shame. You cannot complain that I did not give you a spoiler warning on this one. The rest of the losers are haunted by their previous fight with It as they prepare to defeat it once again. Its a powerful narrative, albeit a somewhat tragic one, and it marks one of the first times Ive seen a major event film feature a queer hero and relationship that isnt just brushed aside or a blink and youll miss it reference. The film, as of now, wanders into headcanon territory. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Maybe, even though the world is still homophobic and cruel, Richie can be who he truly is. They may also be loners or have difficulty making friends. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Richard (Richie) Tozier was born on March 7, 1946 (novel), 1950 (miniseries), or 1976 (films) and is the son of Maggie and Wentworth Tozier. "I wasn't really thinking of the sexual aspect of it. But for now, these are the most disturbing scenes from Itthe first half of the book in particularthat were left behind during the long journey to theaters. A series of new readings on the book, miniseries, and film will provide more depth into how the story of Eddie relates to queer identity. Become a subscriber and support the site! Want more stories like this? While IT's monster can take any form it wants, it most commonly takes the guise of Pennywise the Dancing Clown. There is a chance that Richie, from IT, was not gay in the books, but the revelation of his homosexuality in the film added so much depth to the sequel. As the loser returns home, they gradually forget about IT, Derry, and their surroundings. Subscribe: https://goo.gl/DT39UP (Don't forget to turn on deathbell. It's not clear why this part of the story was streamlined for the movie, except perhaps to save time and narrow the narrative focus. It was more of an Easter egg, but there's more to that scene in the book. https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Stephen-King-Cameo-Chapter-Two-46579831, https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=iJ4W7R2t4ukC, https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=EpgZDgAAQBAJ&pg=PA74, https://www.inverse.com/article/59078-it-chapter-2-spoilers-eddie-mom-basement-scene-explained, https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/this-it-chapter-two-actor-was-almost-in-chapter-one.html/, https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=pu9aAAAAMAAJ, https://screenrant.com/it-chapter-two-returning-characters-first-movie/, https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=be9aAAAAMAAJ, https://screenrant.com/eddie-it-death-novel-miniseries-movie-comparison/, https://www.polygon.com/entertainment/2019/9/6/20847337/it-chapter-two-interview-spoilers-james-ransone-eddie, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/06/movies/bill-hader-it-chapter-two.html, https://www.indiewire.com/2019/09/stephen-king-it-chapter-two-gay-character-genius-1202172451/, https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/1177313/It-Chapter-Two-horror-movie-plot-Pennywise-clown-losers-club-stephen-king-clown-ending, https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/stephen-king-watched-this-it-chapter-two-scene-being-filmed.html/, https://screenrant.com/best-performances-stephen-king-adaptions-ranked/, Fictional characters with respiratory diseases. And yet ultimately his final moment in the film is to return to the kissing bridge where he carved his and Eddies initials all those years before to re-carve them, as Stans voiceover reminds him to be who you want to be. Have a tip or story idea? He has written words for Den of Geek, Collider, The Irish Times and Screen Rant over the years, and can discuss anything from the MCU - where Hawkeye is clearly the best character - to the most obscure cult b-movie gem, and his hot takes often require heat resistant gloves to handle. In the book, Eddie is described as the shortest of the group, has a thin, delicate-looking face, gray eyes and briefly mentioned to have a flattop haircut when Mr. Keene tells him his medicine are placebos. This plot will come in for a lot of discussion, ranging from Richies canon journey to Eddies implied canon journey. The story follows Eddie and Richie as they carve their initials into the Kissing Bridge at the age of 13 in order to fall in love. We have hope for him to have a future where hes happy, but we never see it. His story is similar to the novel with the exception that he does not kill Henry Bowers. Either way, The Losers' Club will be in for a stressful time. The Losers travel to the meteor crater where they first landed on Earth to face it for the second time. Butch beat both his son and wife on a daily basis the latter eventually leaving him after he beat her nearly to death. Honestly, it really is both, and nuance is the Internets least favorite thing. The group of social misfits meets and becomes close as a result of the friendship formed. [3] This film incorporates a scene where, when Eddie is killed by Pennywise, Richie is visibly more upset than the rest of the Losers' Club. Yes, Joe Russo, Im talking to you specifically about this. Avery Hockstetter - Smothered by Patrick with a pillow. The only thing Henry seems to be able to do right by his father is express and act upon their shared racism against the Hanlon family, which culminates in Henry poisoning Mike Hanlon's dog Mr. Chipsjust as his father had poisoned the Hanlons' livestock before. The group gives them a chance to prove themselves and to feel like they are part of something larger than themselves. 14 Unnamed Adults - Killed when the Kitchener Ironworks exploded. The act of coming into oneself and ones courage is a powerful narrative, and it works just as powerfully if you read Eddie as being closeted and coming into his own identity throughout the course of the novel or film. As a string of murders occurs in Derry again in 1985, an adult Mike Hanlon reminds them of their childhood promise to return if the killings ever occur again. ) CZsWorld Merch Store: https://goo.gl/UyP76XEddie Kaspbrak was known as the navigator of the Losers Club, the seven kids in Derry, Maine who oppose the ancient evil known as It. The book dealt with childhood and adulthood," he later explained. It has a narrative that I have never expected from IT. Chapters0:00 | Intro0:48 | The Birth of Edward Kaspbrak3:58 | Horror By The Trainyard5:56 | Building The Dam7:04 | Mid Summer9:53 | Bowers Gets Revenge13:44 | Taking the Fight to IT16:45 | Moving to New York18:22 | Back To Derry19:06 | Back to the Baseball Diamond20:32 | Bowers Attacks21:42 | Final Showdown--Horror History--Horror History is a series that analyses specific characters, monsters, places or events in the fictional worlds of your favorite horror franchises. Stephen King is also a massive fan of this film and reportedly gave an enthusiastic blessing to this subplot, according to Vanity Fair. Then, during the film's climactic showdown with Pennywise, Richie's childhood friend Eddie Kaspbrak (James Ransone) dies in his arms, which leaves Richie inconsolable. Neil Weiner & Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius (1995). The Losers Club is a group of outcasts who band together to defeat a common enemy. This adaptation remains fairly faithful to the novelisation, including and up to his death. In Stephen Kings original novel, the unrequited feelings between Richie and his friend Eddie are much more fully explored. It is a horror novel written by Stephen King. Adrian Mellons death is in part due to Pennywise fanning the hatred of the town; this is much clearer in the book than it is in the movie, but its a present thread throughout the chapter focused on him. In the 1990 miniseries he was portrayed by Adam Faraizl as a child and by Dennis Christopher as an adult. Related: What The IT Movie Did Better Than The Miniseries. Richie being canonically gay (though I hesitate to assign a specific label to him, since in the book hes had serious relationships with women while still having subtextual feelings for Eddie, while the film seems to imply hes gay rather than bisexual) is not a decision thrown in to appease or pander to the Tumblr crowd as some Redditors have already dismissively said. In the canonical world, Lionel is not gay, whereas Eddie is. It is later discovered that Pennywise is using the sewers to travel unseen. John Markson - Committed suicide by eating a white nightshade mushroom. This is due to the fact that they share the same soulmate characteristics. He was later portrayed in the 2017 remake and its 2019 sequel by Jack Dylan Grazer as a child and James Ransone as an adult. In the mini-series and film adaption, Eddie is still the shortest of the group but has a more average-looking appearance. Ben, played by Jay Ryan, is obsessed with Beverly ever since he first saw her. It comes full circle. 340 Unnamed Settlers - Died of unknown causes, but were possibly killed by Pennywise. The film co-stars Awkwafina, Ben Schwartz, and Adrian Martinez. After Eddie dies, he re-carves his initials to say goodbye to Richie, indicating that there may have been more to their relationship than meets the eye. It is to be welcomed in my opinion, but I wont share it with anyone else. The two are approached by time traveler Jake Epping, who enquires about the Dunning family. Eddie becomes friends with The Loser's Club members Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris and Richie Tozier the latter of which often teases Eddie due to his hypochondria and overbearing mother. Eddie is the most fragile member of the Losers' Club, though a violent childhood incident with Henry Bowers proves that he is stronger than he believes himself to be. Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Lowe, Mike reveals, was just three and a half when he went missing the same year the Losers made their first stand against It. Eddie Kaspbrak is one of the main characters and members of the Losers Club in the Stephen King novel, miniseries and films It. The group seemingly defeats the clown and make an oath that if Pennywise isn't defeated, they will all return to Derry to defeat it once and for all. We got a big budget film that was willing to engage with the queer reading that many have taken from the text, and not just wink at it but make it part of the actual canon itself. Left alone, Patrick is attacked by It in the form of swarming bugs, a death that matches his worst nightmare. (All of this happens before Beverly Marsh's innocent eyes, making the shock value even more intense on paper.). Maggie Tozier - Died of an unknown cause. Richie is good friends with Bill Denbrough and the other members of The Losers Club Stanley Uris, Eddie Kaspbrak, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, and Mike Hanlon. The second chapter of Stephen Kings book added a feature that had previously been invisible in Kings book: Richie Tozier, a wise-cracked loser club member, is gay, and has feelings for his fellow loser, Eddie Kaspbrak. It is unknown if Eddie returned Richie's feeling or not, as judged by Richie having carved his and Eddie's initials into the kissing bridge where Ben Hanscom was attacked by Henry Bowers in the first instalment. Despite this, IT fans continue to praise Reddie as one of the novels best aspects. However, when realizing his medication is fake and his mother has been using him, he loses her trust and relies solely on his friends. Sharon Denbrough - Died of an unknown cause. IT is causing problems for Eddie, Richie, Beverly, and Ben. Emailus. He is also a mentioned character in 11/22/63 . The death of Eddie Kaspbrak in the IT novel and miniseries is a heartbreaking moment - here's how his demise compares in both versions. Bill returns to his charmed life as a writer, Ben and Bev get together, and Mike finally is able to leave Derry. I will show clips from the movies as a visual aid, but for the purposes of Horror History, the books are canon!I'll be explaining Eddie's motivation throughout the novel, explaining his many illnesses and analysing his psychological disorders such as his hypochondriasis and his mother's factitious disorder as well as how he might have developed them and what effects these impairments had on his life, his battle with Pennywise and his death. He first saw her it has a narrative that I have never expected from it ( All of film... 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