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Thus, by 200 days, a patient has accumulated quite a bit of risk, which accumulates more slowly after this point. 2009 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. This matches closely with the Kaplan Meier product-limit estimate of survival beyond 3 days of 0.9620. In a nutshell, these statistics sum the weighted differences between the observed number of failures and the expected number of failures for each stratum at each timepoint, assuming the same survival function of each stratum. Unless the seed option is specified, these sets will be different each time proc phreg is run. Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model. From these equations we can see that the cumulative hazard function \(H(t)\) and the survival function \(S(t)\) have a simple monotonic relationship, such that when the Survival function is at its maximum at the beginning of analysis time, the cumulative hazard function is at its minimum. To properly test a hypothesis such as "The effect of treatment A in group 1 is equal to the treatment A effect in group 2," it is necessary to translate it correctly into a mathematical hypothesis using the fitted model. The response, Y, is normally distributed with constant variance. As you'll see in the examples that follow, there are some important steps in properly writing a CONTRAST or ESTIMATE statement: Writing CONTRAST and ESTIMATE statements can become difficult when interaction or nested effects are part of the model. If too few values are specified, the remaining ones are set to 0. The Cox model contains no explicit intercept parameter, so it is not valid to specify one in the CONTRAST statement. One can request that SAS estimate the survival function by exponentiating the negative of the Nelson-Aalen estimator, also known as the Breslow estimator, rather than by the Kaplan-Meier estimator through the method=breslow option on the proc lifetest statement. Other CONTRAST statements involving classification variables with PARAM=EFFECT are constructed similarly. In some cases, the Laplace or quadrature estimation methods (METHOD=LAPLACE or METHOD=QUAD, first available in SAS 9.2) can be used which compute and report an approximate log likelihood making construction of a LR test possible. Table 64.4 summarizes important options in the ESTIMATE statement. In PROC LOGISTIC, use the PARAM=GLM option in the CLASS statement to request dummy coding of CLASS variables. If PROC PHREG finds a contrast to be nonestimable, it displays missing values in corresponding rows in the results. Run Cox models on intervals of follow up time rather than on its entirety. Example 1: One-way ANOVA The dependent variable is write and the factor variable is ses which has three levels. The PLOTS=CIF option in the PROC PHREG statement displays a plot of the curves. All of those hazard rates are based on the same baseline hazard rate \(h_0(t_i)\), so we can simplify the above expression to: \[Pr(subject=2|failure=t_j)=\frac{exp(x_2\beta)}{exp(x_1\beta)+exp(x_2\beta)+exp(x_3\beta)}\]. Here, we would like to introdue two types of interaction: We would probably prefer this model to the simpler model with just gender and age as explanatory factors for a couple of reasons. You use model 3e to expand the average treatment effect: So the hypothesis, written in terms of the model parameters, is simply: The following CONTRAST statement used in PROC LOGISTIC estimates and tests this hypothesis, and produces the following output tables: In PROC GENMOD, use this equivalent ESTIMATE statement: The exponentiated contrast estimate, 0.83, is not really an odds ratio. If the MULTIPASS option is not specified, PROC PHREG . Graphs are particularly useful for interpreting interactions. With this simple model, we output out = dfbeta dfbeta=dfgender dfage dfagegender dfbmi dfbmibmi dfhr; The PHREG procedure now fits frailty models with the addition of the RANDOM statement. displays the vector of linear coefficients such that is the log-hazard ratio, with being the vector of regression coefficients. A common way to address both issues is to parameterize the hazard function as: In this parameterization, \(h(t|x)\) is constrained to be strictly positive, as the exponential function always evaluates to positive, while \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\) are allowed to take on any value. fixed. 2009 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. These are indeed censored observations, further indicated by the * appearing in the unlabeled second column. proc glm data= hsb2; class ses; model write = ses /solution; run; quit; We also calculate the hazard ratio between females and males, or \(\frac{HR(gender=1)}{HR(gender=0)}\) at ages 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80. Significant departures from random error would suggest model misspecification. From these equations we can also see that we would expect the pdf, \(f(t)\), to be high when \(h(t)\) the hazard rate is high (the beginning, in this study) and when the cumulative hazard \(H(t)\) is low (the beginning, for all studies). Instead, the survival function will remain at the survival probability estimated at the previous interval. hazardratio 'Effect of gender across ages' gender / at(age=(0 20 40 60 80)); specifies the tolerance for testing the singularity of the Hessian matrix in the computation of the profile-likelihood confidence limits. The primary focus of survival analysis is typically to model the hazard rate, which has the following relationship with the \(f(t)\) and \(S(t)\): The hazard function, then, describes the relative likelihood of the event occurring at time \(t\) (\(f(t)\)), conditional on the subjects survival up to that time \(t\) (\(S(t)\)). Estimates are formed as linear estimable functions of the form . Notice that the baseline hazard rate, \(h_0(t)\) is cancelled out, and that the hazard rate does not depend on time \(t\): The hazard rate \(HR\) will thus stay constant over time with fixed covariates. The background necessary to explain the mathematical definition of a martingale residual is beyond the scope of this seminar, but interested readers may consult (Therneau, 1990). (1993). We also identify id=89 again and id=112 as influential on the linear bmi coefficient (\(\hat{\beta}_{bmi}=-0.23323\)), and their large positive dfbetas suggest they are pulling up the coefficient for bmi when they are included. SAS provides built-in methods for evaluating the functional form of covariates through its assess statement. run; The HAZARDRATIO statement enables you to request hazard ratios for any variable in the model at customized settings. Particular emphasis is given to proc lifetest for nonparametric estimation, and proc phreg for Cox regression and model evaluation. It contains numerous examples in SAS and R. Grambsch, PM, Therneau, TM. Thus, because many observations in WHAS500 are right-censored, we also need to specify a censoring variable and the numeric code that identifies a censored observation, which is accomplished below with, However, we would like to add confidence bands and the number at risk to the graph, so we add, The Nelson-Aalen estimator is requested in SAS through the, When provided with a grouping variable in a, We request plots of the hazard function with a bandwidth of 200 days with, SAS conveniently allows the creation of strata from a continuous variable, such as bmi, on the fly with the, We also would like survival curves based on our model, so we add, First, a dataset of covariate values is created in a, This dataset name is then specified on the, This expanded dataset can be named and then viewed with the, Both survival and cumulative hazard curves are available using the, We specify the name of the output dataset, base, that contains our covariate values at each event time on the, We request survival plots that are overlaid with the, The interaction of 2 different variables, such as gender and age, is specified through the syntax, The interaction of a continuous variable, such as bmi, with itself is specified by, We calculate the hazard ratio describing a one-unit increase in age, or \(\frac{HR(age+1)}{HR(age)}\), for both genders. %PDF-1.2 % Find more tutorials on the SAS Users YouTube channel. Models with smaller values of these criteria are considered better models. A complete description of the hazard rates relationship with time would require that the functional form of this relationship be parameterized somehow (for example, one could assume that the hazard rate has an exponential relationship with time). Indicator or dummy coding of a predictor replaces the actual variable in the design matrix (or model matrix) with a set of variables that use values of 0 or 1 to indicate the level of the original variable. The change in coding scheme does not affect how you specify the ODDSRATIO statement. As we know, each subject in the WHAS500 dataset is represented by one row of data, so the dataset is not ready for modeling time-varying covariates. output out=residuals resmart=martingale; This convention can affect the way in which you specify the matrix in your CONTRAST statement. o1LSRD"Qh&3[F&g w/!|#+QnHA8Oy9 , scatter x = hr y=dfhr / markerchar=id; By default, value is the machine epsilon times 1E7, which is approximately 1E9. In the code below we fit a Cox regression model where we allow examine the effects of gender, age, bmi, and heart rate on the hazard rate. The degrees of freedom are the number of linearly independent constraints implied by the CONTRAST statementthat is, the rank of . Violations of the proportional hazard assumption may cause bias in the estimated coefficients as well as incorrect inference regarding significance of effects. The first 12 examples use the classical method of maximum likelihood, while the last two examples illustrate the Bayesian methodology. Beside using the solution option to get the parameter estimates, The quantity value must be a positive number, with a default value of 1E4. If nonproportional hazards are detected, the researcher has many options with how to address the violation (Therneau & Grambsch, 2000): After fitting a model it is good practice to assess the influence of observations in your data, to check if any outlier has a disproportionately large impact on the model. yl Martingale-based residuals for survival models. The SLICE and LSMEANS statements cannot be used for this more complex contrast. Diagnostic plots to reveal functional form for covariates in multiplicative intensity models. =2. In logistic models, the response distribution is binomial and the log odds (or logit of the binomial mean, p) is the response function that you model: For more information about logistic models, see these references. This section contains 14 examples of PROC PHREG applications. But an equivalent representation of the model is: where Ai and Bj are sets of design variables that are defined as follows using dummy coding: For the medical example above, model 3b for the odds of being cured are: Estimating and Testing Odds Ratios with Dummy Coding. Recall that when we introduce interactions into our model, each individual term comprising that interaction (such as GENDER and AGE) is no longer a main effect, but is instead the simple effect of that variable with the interacting variable held at 0. An ESTIMATE statement for the AB11 cell mean can be written as above by rewriting the cell mean in terms of the model yielding the appropriate linear combination of parameter estimates. In particular we would like to highlight the following tables: Handily, proc phreg has pretty extensive graphing capabilities.< Below is the graph and its accompanying table produced by simply adding plots=survival to the proc phreg statement. You can perform hypothesis tests for the estimable functions, construct confidence limits, and obtain specific nonlinear transformations. It is possible that the relationship with time is not linear, so we should check other functional forms of time, such as log(time) and rank(time). At first glance, we see the PROC PHREG has . If convergence is not attained in n iterations, the corresponding profile-likelihood confidence limit for the hazard ratio is set to missing. where \(d_i\) is the number who failed out of \(n_i\) at risk in interval \(t_i\). The survival function estimate of the the unconditional probability of survival beyond time \(t\) (the probability of survival beyond time \(t\) from the onset of risk) is then obtained by multiplying together these conditional probabilities up to time \(t\) together. In this case, the 12 estimate is the sixth estimate in the A*B effect requiring a change in the coefficient vector that you specify in the ESTIMATE statement. In the medical example, you can use nested-by-value effects to decompose treatment*diagnosis interaction as follows: The model effects, treatment(diagnosis='complicated') and treatment(diagnosis='uncomplicated'), are nested-by-value effects that test the effects of treatments within each of the diagnoses. The CONTRAST statement tests the hypothesis L=0, where L is the hypothesis matrix and is the vector of model parameters. You write the contrast of log odds in terms of the nested model (3d): Notice that this simple contrast is exactly the same contrast that is estimated for a main effect parameter a comparison of the level's effect versus the effect of the last (reference) level. Be careful to order the coefficients to match the order of the model parameters in the procedure. This test can be done using a CONTRAST statement to jointly test the interaction parameters. A Nested Model Notice also that care must be used in altering the censoring variable to accommodate the multiple rows per subject. output out = dfbeta dfbeta=dfgender dfage dfagegender dfbmi dfbmibmi dfhr; First, write the model, being sure to verify its parameters and their order from the procedure's displayed results: Now write each part of the contrast in terms of the effects-coded model (3e). It is calculated by integrating the hazard function over an interval of time: Let us again think of the hazard function, \(h(t)\), as the rate at which failures occur at time \(t\). It is not necessary that the larger model be saturated. tunes the estimability check. More than one HAZARDRATIO statement can be specified, and an optional label (specified as a quoted string) helps identify the output. Based on past research, we also hypothesize that BMI is predictive of the hazard rate, and that its effect may be non-linear. Watch this tutorial for more. Researchers are often interested in estimates of survival time at which 50% or 25% of the population have died or failed. For more information, see the "Generation of the Design Matrix" section in the CATMOD documentation. Because of this parameterization, covariate effects are multiplicative rather than additive and are expressed as hazard ratios, rather than hazard differences. This option is ignored when the full-rank parameterization is used. Some data management will be required to ensure that everyone is properly censored in each interval. Mathematical Optimization, Discrete-Event Simulation, and OR, SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Release Notes. The rows of are specified in order and are separated by commas. Lets confirm our understanding of the calculation of the Nelson-Aalen estimator by calculating the estimated cumulative hazard at day 3: \(\hat H(3)=\frac{8}{500} + \frac{8}{492} + \frac{3}{484} = 0.0385\), which matches the value in the table. For example, suppose that the model contains effects A and B and their interaction A*B. However, the process of constructing CONTRAST statements is the same: write the hypothesis of interest in terms of the fitted model to determine the coefficients for the statement. It is not at all necessary that the hazard function stay constant for the above interpretation of the cumulative hazard function to hold, but for illustrative purposes it is easier to calculate the expected number of failures since integration is not needed. Follow up time for all participants begins at the time of hospital admission after heart attack and ends with death or loss to follow up (censoring). are constants that are elements of the matrix associated with the effect. In the case of a dichotomous explanatory variable with values 0 and 1 (like exposure in your data) the results with vs. without a CLASS statement are essentially the same. In the simpler case of a main-effects-only model, writing CONTRAST and ESTIMATE statements to make simple pairwise comparisons is more intuitive. One variable is created for each level of the original variable. We will use a data set called hsb2.sas7bdat to demonstrate. This is critical for properly ordering the coefficients in the CONTRAST or ESTIMATE statement. 1469-82. The exponential function is also equal to 1 when its argument is equal to 0. Biometrika. Consider the following data from Kalbeisch and Prentice (1980). The hazard rate can also be interpreted as the rate at which failures occur at that point in time, or the rate at which risk is accumulated, an interpretation that coincides with the fact that the hazard rate is the derivative of the cumulative hazard function, \(H(t)\). Copyright SAS Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. requests that, for each Newton-Raphson iteration, PROC PHREG recompiles the risk sets corresponding to the event times for the (start,stop) style of response and recomputes the values of the time-dependent variables defined by the programming statements for each observation in the risk sets. The function that describes likelihood of observing \(Time\) at time \(t\) relative to all other survival times is known as the probability density function (pdf), or \(f(t)\). Note: A number of sub-sections are titled Background. A central assumption of Cox regression is that covariate effects on the hazard rate, namely hazard ratios, are constant over time. We can remove the dependence of the hazard rate on time by expressing the hazard rate as a product of \(h_0(t)\), a baseline hazard rate which describes the hazard rates dependence on time alone, and \(r(x,\beta_x)\), which describes the hazard rates dependence on the other \(x\) covariates: In this parameterization, \(h(t)\) will equal \(h_0(t)\) when \(r(x,\beta_x) = 1\). Nevertheless, in both we can see that in these data, shorter survival times are more probable, indicating that the risk of heart attack is strong initially and tapers off as time passes. Introduction All of these variables vary quite a bit in these data. If the observed pattern differs significantly from the simulated patterns, we reject the null hypothesis that the model is correctly specified, and conclude that the model should be modified. The ESTIMATE statement provides a mechanism for obtaining custom hypothesis tests. proc sgplot data = dfbeta; In the graph above we see the correspondence between pdfs and histograms. model lenfol*fstat(0) = gender|age bmi|bmi hr ; Notice in the Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates table above that the Hazard Ratio entries for terms involved in interactions are left empty. The survival function is undefined past this final interval at 2358 days. Effects or Deviation from mean coding of a predictor replaces the actual variable in the design matrix (or model matrix) with a set of variables that use values of 1, 0, or 1 to indicate the level of the original variable. SAS computes differences in the Nelson-Aalen estimate of \(H(t)\). We can similarly calculate the joint probability of observing each of the \(n\) subjects failure times, or the likelihood of the failure times, as a function of the regression parameters, \(\beta\), given the subjects covariates values \(x_j\): \[L(\beta) = \prod_{j=1}^{n} \Bigg\lbrace\frac{exp(x_j\beta)}{\sum_{iin R_j}exp(x_i\beta)}\Bigg\rbrace\]. Fortunately, it is very simple to create a time-varying covariate using programming statements in proc phreg. There are \(df\beta_j\) values associated with each coefficient in the model, and they are output to the output dataset in the order that they appear in the parameter table Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates (see above). Nonparametric methods provide simple and quick looks at the survival experience, and the Cox proportional hazards regression model remains the dominant analysis method. The WEIGHT statement in PROC CATMOD enables you to input data summarized in cell count form. run; lenfol: length of followup, terminated either by death or censoring. PROC GENMOD produces the Wald statistic when the WALD option is used in the CONTRAST statement. If 3.5 is the average of the sampled values of X, the following two HAZARDRATIO statements are equivalent: specifies whether to create the Wald or profile-likelihood confidence limits, or both for the classical analyis. Integrating the pdf over a range of survival times gives the probability of observing a survival time within that interval. The PHREG Procedure: Examples: PHREG Procedure. The surface where the smoothing parameter=0.2 appears to be overfit and jagged, and such a shape would be difficult to model. where \(R_j\) is the set of subjects still at risk at time \(t_j\). Only these two statements may be flexible enough to estimate or test sufficiently complex linear combinations of model parameters. If is a vector, define ABS() to be the largest absolute value of the elements of . See the documentation for more details.). For example, in the set of parameter estimates for the A*B interaction effect, notice that the second estimate is the estimate of 12, because the levels of B change before the levels of A. This paper will discuss this question by using some examples. Then, as before, subtracting the two coefficient vectors yields the coefficient vector for testing the difference of these two averages. A More Complex Contrast Limitations on constructing valid LR tests. All of the statements mentioned above can be used for this purpose. time lenfol*fstat(0); This option is ignored in the computation of the hazard ratios for a CLASS variable. The following statements create the data set and fit the saturated logistic model. proc sgplot data = dfbeta; Because of the positive skew often seen with followup-times, medians are often a better indicator of an average survival time. We could thus evaluate model specification by comparing the observed distribution of cumulative sums of martingale residuals to the expected distribution of the residuals under the null hypothesis that the model is correctly specified. identifies an effect that appears in the MODEL statement. From the plot we can see that the hazard function indeed appears higher at the beginning of follow-up time and then decreases until it levels off at around 500 days and stays low and mostly constant. O is the dummy variable for the complicated diagnosis, U is the dummy variable for the uncomplicated diagnosis, A, B, and C are the dummy variables for the three treatments, OA through UC are the products of the diagnosis and treatment dummy variables, jointly representing the diagnosis by treatment interaction. We simply use the SAS procedure PHREG to obtain the final result. Firths Correction for Monotone Likelihood, Conditional Logistic Regression for m:n Matching, Model Using Time-Dependent Explanatory Variables, Time-Dependent Repeated Measurements of a Covariate, Survivor Function Estimates for Specific Covariate Values, Model Assessment Using Cumulative Sums of Martingale Residuals, Bayesian Analysis of Piecewise Exponential Model. Parameters corresponding to missing level combinations are not included in the model. 2. Maximum likelihood methods attempt to find the \(\beta\) values that maximize this likelihood, that is, the regression parameters that yield the maximum joint probability of observing the set of failure times with the associated set of covariate values. Other nonparametric tests using other weighting schemes are available through the test= option on the strata statement. The PLMAXITER= option has no effect if profile-likelihood confidence intervals (CL=PL) are not requested. You can fit many kinds of logistic models in many procedures including LOGISTIC, GENMOD, GLIMMIX, PROBIT, CATMOD, and others. We could test for different age effects with an interaction term between gender and age. The PLOTS= option is not available for the maximum likelihood anaysis. class gender; Therneau, TM, Grambsch PM, Fleming TR (1990). Below is an example of obtaining a kernel-smoothed estimate of the hazard function across BMI strata with a bandwidth of 200 days: The lines in the graph are labeled by the midpoint bmi in each group. Therneau, TM, Grambsch, PM. class gender; model lenfol*fstat(0) = gender|age bmi|bmi hr hrtime; Note that some functions, like ratios, are nonlinear combinations and cannot generally be obtained with these statements. The significant AGE*GENDER interaction term suggests that the effect of age is different by gender. Finally, we calculate the hazard ratio describing a 5-unit increase in bmi, or \(\frac{HR(bmi+5)}{HR(bmi)}\), at clinically revelant BMI scores. Below we plot survivor curves across several ages for each gender through the follwing steps: As we surmised earlier, the effect of age appears to be more severe in males than in females, reflected by the greater separation between curves in the top graaph. Any estimable linear combination of model parameters can be tested using the procedure's CONTRAST statement. With effects coding, the parameters are constrained to sum to zero. Each row of the table corresponds to an interval of time, beginning at the time in the LENFOL column for that row, and ending just before the time in the LENFOL column in the first subsequent row that has a different LENFOL value. If ABS is greater than , then is declared nonestimable. Stated another way, are any of the interaction parameters not equal to zero as implied by the main-effects model? my dataset includes age, period, outcome, drug age : 1 2 3 (categorical variable) period : 1~365 days ( continuos variable) outcome( :0 1 ( 0 : without outcome, 1: with outcome) drug : 0 . Click here to report an error on this page or leave a comment, Your Email (must be a valid email for us to receive the report!). In the CONTRAST statement, the rows of L are separated by commas. `Pn.bR#l8(QBQ p9@E,IF0QlPC4NC)R- R]*C!B)Uj.$qpa *O'CAI ")7 Plots of covariates vs dfbetas can help to identify influential outliers. By default, PLMAXITER=25. A More Complex Contrast with Effects Coding Examples: PHREG Procedure References The PLAN Procedure The PLS Procedure The POWER Procedure The Power and Sample Size Application The PRINCOMP Procedure The PRINQUAL Procedure The PROBIT Procedure The QUANTREG Procedure The REG Procedure The ROBUSTREG Procedure The RSREG Procedure The SCORE Procedure The SEQDESIGN Procedure The SEQTEST Procedure Cox models are typically fitted by maximum likelihood methods, which estimate the regression parameters that maximize the probability of observing the given set of survival times. Two logistic models are fit in this example: The first model is saturated, meaning that it contains all possible main effects and interactions using all available degrees of freedom. It appears the probability of surviving beyond 1000 days is a little less than 0.2, which is confirmed by the cdf above, where we see that the probability of surviving 1000 days or fewer is a little more than 0.8. Once you have identified the outliers, it is good practice to check that their data were not incorrectly entered. Because the observation with the longest follow-up is censored, the survival function will not reach 0. However, each of the other 3 at the higher smoothing parameter values have very similar shapes, which appears to be a linear effect of bmi that flattens as bmi increases. We then plot each\(df\beta_j\) against the associated coviarate using, Output the likelihood displacement scores to an output dataset, which we name on the, Name the variable to store the likelihood displacement score on the, Graph the likelihood displacement scores vs follow up time using. Unlabeled second column method of maximum likelihood, while the last two examples illustrate the Bayesian methodology out... T_J\ ) which 50 % or 25 % of the original variable it displays missing in! 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Model, writing CONTRAST and ESTIMATE statements to make simple pairwise comparisons is more intuitive variable to accommodate multiple! ( n_i\ ) at risk in interval \ ( H ( t \... Can not be used for this purpose created for each level of the matrix. For example, suppose that the model parameters ESTIMATE statement hazard rate, and.! Declared nonestimable other weighting schemes are available through the test= option on the SAS procedure PHREG to obtain final., GLIMMIX, PROBIT, CATMOD, and that its effect may be flexible enough ESTIMATE. The ODDSRATIO statement Discrete-Event Simulation, and the factor variable is created each! Indicated by the CONTRAST statementthat is, the rank of functions of the model TR ( 1990.. Abs ( ) to be overfit and jagged, and that its effect may be non-linear the final.... And histograms gives the probability of observing a survival time within that interval with! Form for covariates in multiplicative intensity models zero as implied by the main-effects model is.

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